
DJ VanCronkhite’s journey into health and mind-body wellness began as a very personal one. It’s from this place of self-healing and discovery that his path of study and profession now enables him to help others achieve vibrant health, energy, vitality and peace. His primary focus is to motivate and inspire his clients to create positive and lasting change using a balanced approach to holistic lifestyle and exercise coaching. With an ongoing collaborative partnership built on taking action, DJ empowers his clients by giving them the tools necessary to become the healthiest, most confident version of themselves. From rehabilitation of injury or pregnancy, to high performance sport specific conditioning, he understands the importance of individual client care.

DJ is a Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist with the National Academy Of Sports Medicine (NASM). It’s his ongoing work and advanced education with the CHEK Institute (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) that’s become his path to achieving the highest level in understanding the science of functional anatomy and kinesiology. It’s also with the CHEK Institute that he now holds his HLC Level 2 certification (Holistic Lifestyle Coach), which draws upon understanding the body as a whole through correlations between biomechanics, nutrition, endocrine, organ and subtle energy systems.

The CHEK Institute is designed to produce the most highly trained exercise therapists and strength and conditioning specialists in the world. DJ’s ongoing investment and commitment to education allows him to work with some of the top coaches and physical therapist in the country. He currently holds his CrossFit Level 1 along with Dr. Kelly Starrett’s Mobility certification that he integrates throughout his coaching and understanding of the human movement system.

To schedule your consultation with DJ call (404) 372- 4465 or email at

Your future you awaits. Think it…Believe it…Be it.™

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